Target Soon Offering Same-Day Online Delivery Service
This is not a drill. Target is offering same-day online delivery starting in February, which is only a few days away! Get all the details.
By Admin on January 29, 2018
Target announced on its website that, starting in February, same-day delivery is going to an option!
Target is able to offer this by cutting out distribution centers. Instead, in-store shoppers at your local store will deliver to you. You can buy items either online or via the Shipt app.
So far, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee are on the short list of initial service. However, Business Insider says that the program should expand to about half its stores within the next few months.
Don’t make us Californians wait too long, please! It sounds like we’ll just have to wait for a few more months to get it.