Taylor Swift Gets Political; Some Fans Don’t Like It
By Admin on October 8, 2018
By Tom Mailey
Taylor Swift has managed for years to keep her political opinions more or less to herself and she’s taken heat that, with one feminist writer calling her a “Barbie Nazi”. But, Swift largely ignored such criticism and kept her political leanings to herself.
Now, all that’s changed. In a surprising post this weekend on Instagram, Swift didn’t just speak out, she made it clear where she stands, throwing her weight behind a Democratic candidate for senate, Phil Bredesen and going into a detailed explanation of why she’s voicing her opinion now.
“In the past I’ve been reluctant to publicly voice my political opinions” The post begins, “but due to several events in my life and in the world in the past two years, I feel very differently about that now”.
Of course, in this damned-if-you-do/damned-if-you-don’t world we live in now, the criticism she’s faced for not speaking out is being replaced by criticism for speaking out, with conservative fans (and pundits, like the one below) expressing disappointment and some even calling for a boycott of her music.
But on the flip-side of that, other fans are praising her decision and suggesting this could have a big impact on November elections.
Swift, of course, is far from the first public figure to express themselves politically, which is easier than ever before with social media. Those who do can expect to take heat but with rare exceptions (the Dixie Chicks come to mind) they don’t often seem to experience long-term negative affects to their career.
Not that anybody asked but it’s my opinion that celebs, if they are compelled to, should speak out, conservative or liberal. To me, it’s just another viewpoint to consider, and I don’t put much into what they say either way. I’m certainly not going to boycott someone because they don’t align perfectly with me politically…why would I deny myself the enjoyment of their art just because we have opposing views about certain issues? But I know that’s an opinion that’s becoming less and less popular these days. I guess I just miss the days when everything with us wasn’t so all-or-nothing….which of course you’re free to disagree with. Or agree…I’ll still like you either way.
If you want to read Taylor’s full statement, scroll down
“What I used to love about Taylor Swift is she stayed away from politics” –@charliekirk11 pic.twitter.com/Nd77XXnQr8
— FOX & friends (@foxandfriends) October 8, 2018