LA-based Golden Road Brewery is finally getting close to opening their location on L and 19th Street in Midtown. I’ve been to their location in LA, and it’s pretty good. But that was before Anheuser-Busch purchased the brewery in 2015.

The craft beer scene has blown up in Sacramento in the past few years. According to the Sacramento Bee, there were only eight craft breweries in the city in 2009. Now there are 58 open in the region and nine more on the way.

But, it’s not a bad thing. You can never have too many beer options. I just ask that not all of them are IPAs. Not everyone likes their beer super hoppy…

Golden Road Brewery has been in the works in Sacramento since 2016. I just hope that having the power of Anheuser-Busch behind the new brewery doesn’t put other local places out of business. So, I guess we will have to wait and see.

Sacramento Winery Is Closing At The End Of February