I’d like to think that my best friends would do the same thing, but you never know. Chris Betancourt is 20 years old and has been fighting leukemia since he was five. The Sacramento Bee says after years in remission, the cancer returned in the past months.

And when his best friend, 19-year-old Dillon Hill heard the news, he dropped out of  UC Davis. See, Chris and Dillon have a new mission—to create and complete a bucket list.

So far his list spans the gamut:

  1. Going to the Sequoia National Forest
  2. Eating at a buffet until he’s asked to leave
  3. Feeding a homeless person
  4. Singing before a live audience
  5. Flying an airplane
  6. Trying the world’s hottest pepper

I have personally done number two and I am willing to help you guys out and do it again. And I bet we can make number four happen!

So far he has accomplished number three and five, but the list has a lot more items to check off. This whole story just warms my heart. I am so happy for Dillon and Chris’ friendship and I don’t even know them.