Couple Arrested After Stealing Clothes For Upcoming Court Date
This couple thought they were brilliant when they stole some new clothes for an upcoming court date, but all they got was another court date.
By DAVID on September 17, 2018
Many of us have been in a courtroom for some reason. Whether it’s a marriage, divorce, traffic ticket, or even jury duty. A general rule is that you dress up for the occasion, with nicer clothes than you’d go out to lunch or a movie in.
This couple had to go to court, and decided they needed some better clothes to do so. So they headed over to the Walmart to go shopping. Only they weren’t shopping, they were shoplifting, and of course they got caught. The couple went throughout the store, collecting shirts, shoes, the works. The store caught on to what they were doing, and notified police. Police arrived to the store just as the couple was leaving the store, and apprehended them. The shoplifting couple quickly confessed to what they did, and the woman pulling some shirts out of her handbag. The guy had shoes hidden in his waistband, and more merchandise already in the car.
The couple’s reason for shoplifting clothes was because they needed the clothes for an upcoming court appearance. Apparently they wanted to dress to impress, and hopefully get a good result from their plea, whatever it was. Turns out that the appearance they were supposed to go to on Wednesday just turned into an arraignment hearing on shoplifting. D’oh! There’s a picture of the shoplifting couple and some more details here. A couple that shoplifts together stays together – for a $500 fine and up to a year.