As soon as they heard the name of the song, Dan + Shay were on board. They wanted to give the song a bit of a twist, though.

As many likely expected, Dan Smyers and Shay Mooney’s first instinct was to write a party track. Dan told Nash Country Daily:

“One of our co-writers, Jordan Reynolds, was like, ‘We should write a song called “Tequila,”‘ and he knew we drank tequila—that’s our drink of choice. Obviously, our minds went to like, ‘We should write a party, feel-good, let’s-drink-tequila-and-get-crazy song.’ But in typical Nashville songwriter fashion, we spun it, and we kind of let that digest with the fans for a minute.”

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He continued:

“They were all expecting this crazy thing and then we teased that haunting piano intro, and I think people were like, ‘I don’t know what’s happening here.’ I think it gave people a reason to check out the song. Then when they heard the song—front to back –they realized, in typical Dan + Shay fashion, the story and nostalgia and kind of a heartbreak thing, relationship-sort-of situation. I think it’s a cool juxtaposition between the title and the actual content of the song.”

Listen to “Tequila” below.