Forget The Fireworks, Intel Drones Will Light Up Travis Air Force Base On Fourth Of July
By Admin on June 29, 2018
Travis Air Force Base has teamed up with Intel’s Shooting Star Drones to put on a different kind of Fourth of July show.
I would honestly be okay with this being the new norm. My dog HATES fireworks. It breaks my heart to watch him get so scared for a couple weeks every year.
Not only will it be quieter, it also offers less risk of sparking a wildfire. “Two out of every five wild land fires…are due to, fireworks…,” Cal Fire spokesperson Scott McLean told KCRA.
With temperatures being so high and vegetation dry, it’s the perfect combination for an accidental fire. The gates to Travis Air Force Base will open to the public at 6:30 PM. And the show will start at 9. However, it’s only open to the first 5,000 people—with half of that number reserved for the public.
But, you can still catch it at nearby Vanden High School and Golden West Middle School.