The California Highway Patrol has announced that maximum enforcement will be in effect over the New Year’s weekend. All available officers will be working from Friday, Dec. 28, at 6 p.m. until 11:59 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 1. DON’T DRIVE DRUNK! See how to get a free ride home with AAA Tipsy Tow in Sacramento… says that officers will be looking for all kinds of things as they patrol during the maximum enforcement period. And we’re hopeful that the big presence of officers will help to remind people make safe choices and keep drunk drivers off the road. 

If you need a safe ride home on New Years Eve, use a ride share app, call a cab or use AAA’s complimentary Tipsy Tow.

Tipsy Tow Info  says that the New Year’s Holiday Safe Ride program begins Monday, 12/31 at 6pm and ends Tuesday 1/1 at 6am. KCRA says that you get a free ride home and they’ll tow your car home, too. It’s a FREE service up to 10 miles. They also state that you don’t have to be a AAA member to take advantage of the program. Just call 855-286-9246 to safely get home.