Greta Gerwig’s High School Hosting ‘Lady Bird’ Oscars Party
We’re rooting for Sacramento native Greta Gerwig this Sunday while Lady Bird competes for a handful of Oscars!
By Cody Briana on March 2, 2018
We’re rooting for Sacramento native Greta Gerwig this Sunday while Lady Bird competes for a handful of Oscars! And we’re not the only ones. People reports her high school, St. Francis Catholic, is throwing a Lady Bird-themed viewing party for its students and faculty!
“We have two of the gold [Oscar] statuettes and we’ve got a life-size cut out of Greta,” MaryAnne Kelly, the director of advancement of the school, said. “I think it’s going to feel a lot like the film. It’s down home fun.”
They will also have big screens inside the gym, as well as a step and repeat. Gerwig obviously can’t be there, but is she aware of it?
“She does know about it,” Kelly added. “Her parents still live in the area, and they’ve regularly stopped by the school. Her mom and dad stopped by to give out ‘I Love Lady Bird’ buttons from A24 [the film’s distribution company].”
So cute! I want to go!
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