Inmate Told To Stop Swallowing Items, Swallows Pencil Anyway
An inmate had to get a lecture about why she shouldn’t swallow random items, and then the inmate proceeded to swallow a pencil.
By DAVID on December 5, 2018
How do you even swallow a pencil anyway? This inmate found out the hard way after her quick stay in the hospital.
The inmate, Destiny Elizabeth Payne, is 21 years old and already has quite the record. She’s got things like resisting officer, shoplifting, criminal damage to property.. She has 12 or more charges just from this year alone. She can add “destruction to police property” to that list as well after kicking the inside of the door in the police car. Why was she in the police cruiser? Well, apparently at some point in jail, she swallowed a pencil. Like, how do you even do that? Obviously they had to take her to the hospital to have it removed.
Was the pencil an attempt to escape custody? Perhaps she thought she could make a break for it at some point? Whatever the case, when the pencil was out, she was taken back into custody. On the drive back to the jail, she started to freak out. She got out of the seatbelt, and started kicking around in the back seat. She threatened to break the windows, but couldn’t do more damage than denting the inside of the door. She also smashed her head against the police car partition. Back to the hospital she went.
Upon arrival back at the hospital, she kicked some expensive equipment and was fighting a nurse. That nurse said that she (the nurse) was probably the cause of the inmate’s anger because she “lectured [the inmate] to stop swallowing items.” Apparently the inmate had been previously advised to stop swallowing things as well. See some more on the story here.