Hawaii’s Big Island has declared an emergency after Kilauea Volcano erupted yesterday. Mandatory evacuations are in place for two subdivisions: Leilani Estates and Lanipuna Gardens. Nearly 2,000 people have been evacuated thusfar.

Lava was reportedly flowing through cracks in the roadways on Thursday, according to the Weather Channel. While there are no current fissures open, more could erupt at any moment.

Drone Footage of Kilauea Volcano Spewing Lava

Kilauea Volcano on Hawaii’s Big Island erupted just days after the area experienced multiple earthquakes. Of course, areas downhill are also in danger because they are in the path of the lava flow.

So, as you would imagine and can see in the video, the images are incredible. But, apparently the sound was super intense as well. Jeremiah Osuna, who shot the drone video described it as someone “put[ting] a bunch of rocks into a dryer’ and turned it on high.