Who needs a keg when you can just buy a 77-pack of Natty Light? Yep. Natural Light released a 77-pack of beer to celebrate their anniversary. The company was created in 1977, hence the 77 cans.


There’s one small detail though. You can only get this monster of a beer case in College Park, Maryland. The college town is apparently the original introductory markets for the brand according to the Baltimore Sun. Ever since, it’s been a “very, very popular brand” in the area, he said. AKA it’s cheap beer in a college town. Which is also a thing—do college kids need that much beer? I mean, I would have said yes when I was in college. But now as an older, wiser human being…I’m not so sure.

However, the 77-pack of Natural Light has been selling out faster than it can be stocked. They originally stocked 200 cases, but they were pretty much immediately gone. Which makes sense in a college town…especially when they are only charging $30.