Not to be gross, but even people who say they love scary shows and movies are freaking out when they watch this. “The Haunting of Hill House” is a book originally from 1959 by Shirley Jackson. The current-day Netflix version of “The Haunting of Hill House” is a modernized story adaptation.
“The Haunting of Hill House” tells the story of 5 siblings who grew up in the house. When their youngest sibling dies after they’ve all become adults, they get together to explore the old house. Problem is that the house is regarded as America’s most haunted. Cool, sounds like a great idea for a scary show – but did Netflix actually pull it off? Well, considering the way people are reacting to it on Twitter, they done good. Even Stephen King, legendary horror story author, who had nothing to do with either the original story or the series adaptation likes it:
THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE, revised and remodeled by Mike Flanagan. I don't usually care for this kind of revisionism, but this is great. Close to a work of genius, really. I think Shirley Jackson would approve, but who knows for sure.
— Stephen King (@StephenKing) October 17, 2018
It’s a 10-episode series, and it just dropped on Netflix this week. People are absolutely freaking out when they’re watching it, and I can not wait to get started this weekend. People are tweeting things like:
I’m now a whopping seven minutes in to The Haunting of Hill House, pre opening credits, and already yelped. If it’s ten episodes of jump scares then I’ll die from anxiety
— Kat (@xLibitinax) October 15, 2018
Shoutout to my body, my anxiety, and my recent binging of the haunting of hill house for waking me up at exactly 3AM last night
— Cailey Tervo (@caileytervo) October 18, 2018
(We’re assuming that “3am” reference has something to do with something)
And then there’s this guy who admitted that he actually threw up while watching the show:
Haunting of hill house is making me terror vomit in joyful confusion. So I love it.
— SpookyLukey (@RupaulFTompkins) October 13, 2018
Are you into scary shows? Adding this one to your list? Have you already watched it?