Police, Fire Departments Take On Thriller Dance To Raise Money [Video]
…and they are challenging other departments to do the same!
By Doug Lazy on October 31, 2017
I’ve always wanted to learned the “Thriller” dance, but it seems like a big commitment, which is why this move from the Tarpon Springs Police and Fire Departments is so cool. They took the time to learn the dance and produce a pretty entertaining video…all for a good cause.
The Teal Pumpkin Project aims to include all trick-or-treaters on Halloween, so houses can put out teal pumpkins to mark that they have special candy for those with allergies or treats that aren’t candy at all.
Not only do the departments hope to raise awareness for the project, they are also using the video to raise funds for The Cured Foundation, which is a foundation dedicated to helping those with Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Diseases
In fact, they have challenged the following departments to step up next— Lexington, Ky., Cincinnati, Ohio and Knoxville, Tenn.
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