Florida Georgia Line invited RaeLynn on stage to perform “Tailgate” at the 2018 Faster Horses music festival.

According to The Boot, RaeLynn wrote the song with FGL’s Tyler Hubbard, Canaan Smith, and Corey Crowder.

Related: Maren Morris Invites Casadee Pope, Lindsay Ell & RaeLynn On Stage

“Lately, when it comes to songwriting, I’ve made it a point to just have fun and create music that feels good,” RaeLynn wrote in a press release.“The day we wrote ‘Tailgate,’ I told Canaan, Corey, and Tyler that if the song doesn’t make me want to dance, then I don’t want to cut it. Without fail, ‘Tailgate’ makes me want to dance onstage every single time I perform it, and when you hear it, you can’t help but sing along.”

Catch the live performance below.