Randy Travis’ Wife Trying To Block Naked Arrest Video With Fan Petition
The 2012 dashcam footage of a naked Randy Travis getting arrested will never be released to the public if his wife can help it…
By austind03 on November 30, 2017
The 2012 dashcam footage of a naked Randy Travis getting arrested will never be released to the public if his wife can help it…
A Taste of Country has reported that Mary Travis has joined together with her husband’s manager, Tony Conway, and publicist Zach Farnum to prevent the release of the tape.
Using a petition on Change.org, they’re protesting the Texas Attorney General who’s threatened to release the tape this Friday.
The petition states:
“The Texas Attorney General’s Office is refusing to follow a state court order from Randy Travis’ 2012 DUI case with threats to release the police dash cam video five years after the incident occurred, even though the case is still under appeal in the federal court system.”
The tape has been at the center of a series of legal battles centered around whether releasing it violate’s Travis’ medical privacy. Despite being repeatedly ruled against in Texas courts, Travis’ lawyers are still in the process of appealing the decisions.
His attorney, Martin J. Cirkiel, said in a statement:
“We are merely asking the Attorneys representing the State of Texas follow the State Court Judge’s Order to keep the video private, as the case is appealed through the federal system. They have refused to do so and threaten to release it this Friday by 5PM.”
Head here to learn more.