Sacramento Beach Tests Way Above EPA’s Safe Standard For E. Coli
By Admin on April 18, 2018
Tiscornia Beach is located where the American and Sacramento rivers meet near Discovery Park. And it recently tested positive for E. coli levels way above what’s considered safe. We’re talking SEVEN times the threshold set by the EPA according to the Sacramento Bee.
Where Is E. Coli Highest
The water board has been testing water weekly at nine sites on the lower American River and two sites on Steelhead Creek. However, only two locations haven’t measured unsafe. Those are Camp Pollack and Sutter’s Landing.
E. coli levels are used to identify fecal pollution, be it from pets, humans, animals etc. Most strains of E. coli are harmless, but some can affect human health.
As of now, it isn’t certain what the source of the E. coli is. But, starting in summer a yearlong study will commence. The study will determine the sources of E. coli bacteria.
Will you still be visiting the river this summer?