SMUD Might Owe You Some Money And You Can Check This List To See

Hurry though, because the deadline to claim it is coming up soon!

By Doug Lazy on November 8, 2017


If you have an old check from SMUD that needs to be cashed, you better do it soon because the deadline is coming up. The deadline to cash any check dated September 30, 2014 or before is on December 22, 2017. After that, you won’t be able to claim your money.

You also might not be aware that SMUD has money waiting for you. But, the good news is they released a list of names yesterday and you can check to see if you are on it. One lady has nearly $400 waiting for!

Click here to check out the list. You can also get more information on how to make a claim or have a check resent to you on the Sacramento Bee’s website.


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