Spouses Wish These Off-The-Wall Art Items Were Literally “Off The Wall”
Oh the things we do to keep a relationship healthy and happy
By kncitom on August 9, 2023
One of the most important factors to a successful relationship is compromise. You’re not going to win every argument, so make your peace with that which you can’t change. Even if it’s a deer head staring at you judgmentally
One of our favorite topics on Facebook recently was “what’s a piece of art or decorative item in your home that your spouse loves, but that you just tolerate?” and the above was submitted by Kathy Slingsby-Faltmier. The animal was killed in 1968 and by the looks of it, may still be puzzled by its ultimate fate.
Not to be outdone, Tiffany Leftwich-Barraco simply posted a clock flanked by the heads of two deer whose time was up long ago.
Then it starts to get weird with, for example, this piece of art from Karlee Navarro-Vasquez, who said she “doesn’t necessarily hate it” she just doesn’t like that it’s hung over the toilet in their guest bathroom.
Andrea Turner shared with us a small sculpture her husband insists on keeping in their home. She says “It’s called ‘Sad Dog’…and it makes me sad”
Jason Morrow, who submitted the above photo, is in pretty good shape when he says “This is a painting on my wall that my wife absolutely hates“. Acknowledging the validity of another’s opinion is also key to a healthy relationship…even if you’re actively choosing to ignore it, we guess.
Personal achievement means a lot to some people- even if those achievements were awhile ago. Bonnie Gaylor shared with us this picture of her fireplace and says “BMX trophies from … years ago. Lord forbid we take them down even though we don’t race anymore“.
One of the odder submissions was …this …from Marianna, who said it’s “an old rusty real estate sign that got mangled by a tractor or something“. Not the first thing we would think would look good as a wall hanging but hey, to each their own.
One of our favorites, we have to admit, was submitted by Morgan, who’s husband is apparently a big Austin Powers/Dr. Evil fan. We are too so, we approve, even if it hangs in a hallway like a family photo. Heck, especially if it’s hanging in the hallway like a family photo.
Another one that we thought was pretty cool -in part because it hangs somewhere not in full, immediate view of guests, is this, from Allison’s husband. She says “This doesn’t bother me as much as it did when we first started dating and he hung it in the living room. This is from South Dakota, and pretty much every single one of his friends from childhood and so on have signed it. He has it on display in the garage now, not the living room”
But our absolute favorite has to be the one below, from Lena Rudolph. It’s a yard decoration that, Pat and I guessed, could either be Our Lord, Rasputin, or maybe singer Kenny Loggins circa 1975. And what’s he wearing? At first glance, it looks like a robe. But click on that pic and zoom in. Those are TINY LITTLE HEADS. Lena says her husband used to work for Junk King and would come home with odd items like this all the time. Apparently, they remain happily married because, again, compromise. It may also be why he no longer works for Junk Kings but either way, it works.
And lastly, I’ll put up my own decorative piece. This Freddie Mercury action figure below has been overseeing our home’s family room for probably 15 years now, and yes, that’s a tiny replica of the guitar used by Freddie’s bandmate, Brian May. I’ve been a fan of the band Queen since junior high school and it is for that reason alone my wife Vickie tolerates these items (But also secretly, deep inside, I’m pretty sure she thinks they’re awesome)