Farmer Gets Truck Stuck In Field At Worst Possible Time [TORNADO VIDEO] May 31, 2018 4:37 pm Published by DAVID <p>A farmer and three of his workers got stuck in their field, which normally isn't a huge deal, but this time they were surrounded by tornadoes.</p>
Sacramento Storm Brings Massive Tree Down On Car And Street [Video] January 10, 2018 9:42 am Published by Admin <p>One thing I love about Sacramento is all the trees—I mean, it’s not called the City of Trees for no […]</p>
House Floats Down River After Getting Hit With Storm [VIDEO] November 2, 2017 11:40 am Published by Doug Lazy <p>The last thing anyone expects to see floating down a river is a house, but that's exactly what these people saw!</p>