A 17 year old kid really needed that wifi password. So he broke into a home, woke the residents, and asked for the code. This is certainly a different kind of wifi theft, but still.

It happened Sunday morning just after midnight in Palo Alto. The teen donned a face mask, and woke the couple up after breaking into their home. He got in through an open window on the side of the house. He cut through the screen that was on the window, and crawled in. The homeowner naturally confronted the teen after being woken up. There was a short fight, which basically ended with the homeowner shoving the teen out of the house. The only things stolen were a couple kitchen knives, which were found later.

Police arrived quickly and were able to arrest the teen. That same teen was also “connected” to a bike theft that happened earlier in the area. A stolen bike, some wifi, knives, and jail time. Well, maybe some time in juvie, depending on how he gets tried in court. Charges include residential burglary, prowling, and providing false information. These darn kids, they can’t even go 5 minutes without checking their Instagram! Check out a little more on the wifi robbery here.