Teen Falls Over 800 Feet To His Death At Yosemite While Trying To Take A Selfie
By Admin on September 6, 2018
This is happening way too often. A photographer in Lodi recently fell to his death while on a parking garage ledge trying to capture a good shot. Tomer Frankfurter was just 18 years old and visiting from Israel. The Fresno Bee says that Tomer was attempting to get a selfie at the edge of Nevada Fall in Yosemite National Park when he fell over 800 feet.
The teenager was on a two month trip in the United States. His mother said he was going to be joining the Israeli armed forces upon his return home. His body is being transported back to Israel for burial. Additionally, there have been six deaths in Yosemite in the past five months.
Now, I fully admit that sometimes I do some unsafe things to get a good photo. But, we all have to be at least a little more careful. Be aware of our surroundings and maybe pick up our phones less.