There’s A Good Chance You’re Getting A Credit On Your Utility Bill This Month

By Scripps National Desk on October 16, 2018
Money in a wallet
(Photo Illustration by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images)

Many customers are going to see a credit on their utility bill(s) this month. It’s due to the California Climate Credit. According to KCRA, the money comes from the California Greenhouse Gas Cap-and-Trade program. It’s a program that requires industries that emit greenhouse gases to buy “carbon pollution credits.”

In an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the program requires power plants, natural gas providers and other large industries that emit greenhouse gases to buy “carbon pollution credits.”

The credits are sold via an auction where some of the proceeds go to combat climate change. The rest go to utility customers managed by the California Public Utility District. This includes PG&E and Liberty Utilities.

PG&E electric customers can look forward to a $39.42 credit and gas customers a $29.85. Liberty Utilities customers will get a $29.46 credit. If you don’t use it all on this bill, you’re a utility pro and I need tips from you. But also, it’ll roll over.


SMUD customers won’t get any credits. Sorrrrrrrry.

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