TripAdvisor recently hit some backlash when it came to light that the company repeatedly deleted a 2010 post made by user Kristie Love about being raped by a security guard at the Paraiso Maya resort. The company stated that the post was removed because it violated the “family-friendly” language policy of the website.

A public apology has since been made and TripAdvisor also rolled out a new feature that places a symbol next to hotels and resorts where sexual assault has occurred. Travel analyst Henry H. Harteveld told the New York Times that the recent Harvey Weinstein scandal and the following reaction of many women speaking out about their experiences with sexual assault “served as a wakeup call to TripAdvisor.”

Harteveld told the New York Times:

“I think that travel websites have a responsibility to be an advocate for their customers. It is helpful, and adds frankly to the trust, if they were to provide links to State Department advisories.”

Along with the badge, the site also added a communications feature that allows TripAdvisor to explain why certain reviews are rejected and for users to edit and resubmit posts.