Westminster Dog Show Is Happening Now….And These Ain’t My Dogs

By kncipat on May 8, 2023
Photo by Spencer Platt/Getty Images

I love dogs. All dogs. Well, almost all dogs. I watched part of the Westminster Dog Show today and it was rough. First, none of these dogs look like any dog I’ve ever had, known, or run into. Second, these dogs are way smarter than any dog I’ve ever seen. They run through utility drills, signal exercises, and a six minute obedience course. I’m lucky if I can get my dogs to come inside without rattling a bag of chips. 

And I get it. These dogs are at the top of their class. They’ve gone through hours and hours of training. And if they win they get bragging rights and trophies. But after seeing these dogs get their hair blown dry, teeth checked, eyes, ears, coat and bone structure gone over like a final home inspection, I’ve come to the conclusion that there’s got to be a better way. 

We need a show that rewards common dogs like mine. I have one dog, Snacks, that eats rocks, tree bark, plastic, and toilet paper. My other dog, Rip, chases his tail until he catches it, and then with tail firmly in mouth jumps up on the couch. Now that’s talent! He also occasionally runs into the screen door. But they’re cute, loyal, and I wouldn’t trade them. 

So to all dogs, do your thing. To my dogs, no….those aren’t your chips! 

(Here’s Rip being Rip) 

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