Young YouTuber Saved After Cementing His Head In A Microwave
A 22-year-old YouTuber had to call the fire department for help after he cemented his head inside a microwave and couldn’t free himself…
By austind03 on December 8, 2017
This is something you should NOT try at home!
According to The Guardian, a 22-year-old man in England recently had to call the fire department for help after getting his head stuck in an unlikely place: a microwave.
The man had been working with friends to mix seven bags of Polyfilla (a popular spackling paste) in a garage. They then poured the goo around his head, which was inside a microwave. While he protected his face with a plastic bag, it didn’t help once the paste became cement…
Although the group spent 90 minutes trying to free their friend (even making him a breathing tube), they eventually called help. Responding firefighters then spent an hour working to get the man unstuck from the appliance.
Watch Commander Shaun Dakin, who was in charge of the responding fire service crew, spoke about the incident:
“As funny as this sounds, this young man could quite easily have suffocated or have been seriously injured. Taking the microwave apart was tricky, because a lot of it was welded. We video-called our technical rescue colleagues for advice and eventually managed to get him unstuck. He was very relieved when we removed a large chunk of the Polyfilla with a screwdriver, allowing him to breathe more easily. But we had to be extremely careful with the screwdriver, working so closely to his head. It took us nearly an hour to free him. All of the group involved were very apologetic, but this was clearly a call-out which might have prevented us from helping someone else in genuine, accidental need.”
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