Alright my fellow animal lovers, it’s time to get the word out. Yuba County Animal Shelter is in desperate need of help. They are extremely overcrowded and need fosters, adopters, financial and other donations, and whatever else they can get.
According to KCRA, the area is under-resourced and doesn’t have a lot of low-cost spay and neuter clinics. You know what happens when animals mate and aren’t spayed or neutered, right? They have lots of babies, who then also becomes strays, which then end up in the shelter.
Deneen Barnhill is the Yuba County Animal Shelter’s supervising animal care services officer. Barnhill says “That’s something we absolutely don’t want to do,” Barnhill said, “We don’t don’t want to euthanize anything, if at all possible. So we really need people to come in and adopt. We are trying not to euthanize at all.”
Additionally, Ways and Whiskers out of Chico works with the shelter to help with spay and neuter clinics. But, they are in need of a veterinarian to help out.
If you know a veterinarian that might be interested, share this with them. If you have extra money, throw some at the Yuba County Animal Shelter. Take a lil’ drive to adopt or foster. Or, tell people you know nearby to check them out.